Sunday, June 22, 2014

Family Update *BIG NEWS*

It's been FOREVER since I blogged.  And a lot has happened in the last year.

Allow me to summarize...

We completed our school year last month and I'm currently planning year 2014-2015.  Sid the Science Kid will be doing mostly high school work during his 7th grade year, Gracelyn will be going into 5th grade, Angelica Pickles will be in 3rd and Boo Boo will be in 1st/2nd.  Miracle will continue to stay home with us due to the help of a nurse during my 'teaching' hours.

This year I'm making lots of changes to my curricula due to being in school full-time myself.  This past January I started full-time midwifery school.  It was a difficult semester managing homeschool, a home and my own school....but we survived!  This is a two year program that will take 2-4 to complete due to attending a required amount of births and prenatal appointments.  I'm SO excited about this program because birth and pregnancy has been a passion of mine for so many years!   

Mr. Prince continues to teach 3rd grade students at a local elementary school, but had a rough year.  Teaching is becoming more and more difficult as our culture shifts.  He is currently working at a summer Clubhouse program and really enjoys his time there.  Mr. Prince has been an incredible help this last semester picking up the slack I've left as I did school for hours and hours every evening.

MommyK and Mr. Prince at a cousin's wedding, 2014

Sid the Science Kid has 'graduated' from his church's elementary school program and is now in the 6th-8th grade program.  Exciting, but he is already starting to learn about 'cliques' and 'cool' kids.  I don't look forward to these middle school years coming up for any of my kids.  He is still doing leaps in bounds in school and completed a Pre-Algebra program this year!  I'm finding it hard to keep up with him.  I'm praying these next few years he finds some passions (other than Legos) and starts to develop a love for something.  These are important years coming up and I'm a little nervous about parenting a tween!

 Sid the Science Kid (11) with Miracle (4)

Princess Pea has bloomed in her dance classes this year and has matured a lot.  Academically she is keeping up with her brother and blowing me away.  She has been watching me do the laundry for years, and last month, asked to fold a basket.  She did awesome!  So, I told her for the summer I would pay her $.50/basket to help her raise money to buy her 3rd American Girl Doll (this will be the second doll she's purchased herself).  I haven't folded a load of laundry for WEEKS!  She is such a little helper and little mommy.  She blesses my heart so often!

Princess Pea (9) practicing for her Restored to Glory Presentation

Angelica Pickles just turned 8 and is still a very spunky little girl!  She had a rough beginning of her school year, but by the end of the year she was enjoying school and reading much better.  We also found out how crazy quick at math she is!  She has grown a lot dancing for Restored to Glory this year as well, and it was her first year in a different class than her sister.  She really bloomed in some friendships at church and I'm excited to see her interests in church activities, school and dance take off this year.  She adores her baby sister and often takes time to play with her daily.  She loves to help in the kitchen, too.

Angelica Pickles and MommyK

Boo Boo's personality just keeps getting better!  He's a such a clown and tries to be funny constantly.  His newest thing is the daily mo-hawk.  I have no idea where he comes up with these things.  Boo Boo finished his entire 1st grade math book this year and is reading at a 2nd grade level.  He seems ready academically to be going into 2nd, but he still seems like my baby!  I'm thinking I'll have him straddling between 1st/2nd this coming year.  He loved the soccer and basketball teams we put him on this year and is probably the one who uses the 10ft hoop we purchased for our backyard the most.  He constantly wants to be outside.  We really enjoy what he brings to our family.

Boo Boo (6) and MommyK

Miracle has had a pretty uneventful year, which is some ways is a good thing!  Her seizures have been under control for the most part and she's been happy.  She now sleep in her sister's room, per request of her sisters, but still takes naps on our laps or the downstairs couch.  Her head control hasn't improved much, but she's eating a few ounces 1-2x daily!  We just received her Upsee harness this past week and I cannot wait to work on walking with her in that!  We had numerous friends donate the $489 to pay for the Upsee a few months ago and are so thankful for their constant love and support!  

 Miracle (4) happy in her stander!
Miracle has changed our family's perspective on life completely.  And that brings us to our next update...
Stay tuned for my next post!  :)

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