I have found it useful to read how other homeschool families schedule their time, so I thought I would post our schedule. Now, this is all good and dandy in theory, so I'll have to post later to see if it all works out according to plan. We were supposed to start school this week, but after a visit from some family friends, an unexpected trip to Indianapolis, and an exhausted pregnant mom who just couldn't get the energy to start mid-week, we are now a week behind schedule. We did do the whole week of science today, and the kids had a blast. We also finished a long picture book on Leif Ericson in preparation for our Viking week of history. So, I'm hoping to move along quickly next week, as the kids are so excited they would probably do school 24/7 right now!
I took my scheduling inspiration from Managers of their Homes (MOTH). I definitely believe that my children can do anything for 30 min, but after that it's touch and go whether or not they will get bored, be bickering or get into mischief. So, I've tried to plan my day accordingly. I would love to fit in each child playing with another sibling one-on-one, but I just don't have enough hours in the day. And, I think that everything "school" related, all my kids will want to participate in. So, trying to do something separate with each child doesn't work as well around here. Many of our subjects will actually only take 15 of the 30 min scheduled, so the kids will have much more playtime than it looks here. But, with a new baby coming soon and nursing and multiple diapers changes coming, I have to leave some wiggle room. Thus, here is my daily schedule:
7-8am Klan plays in rooms quiety if awake and are sure to tidy before coming downstairs at 8, Mommy showers and gets breakfast ready
8-8:30 Breakfast, bible story read from preschoolers bible, children clean table when finished
8:30-9 Klan brushes their teeth and get dressed and we go over house rules and the calendar, Mommy feeds Boo Boo breakfast when he wakes
9-9:30 Mommy has preschool with Angelica Pickles and Sid the Science Kid and Princess Pea do their Helping Habits (vacuum under Boo Boo's high chair, feed the cat, wipe down the table, empty dishwasher) and then have play time together
9:30-10 Bible and Character Training for everyone - a program I created
10-11 Outside play time if it's nice and a Nature walk on Fridays followed by writing in our nature journals, Nap time for Boo Boo
11-11:30 My Father's World/Sonlight science (I have intertwined them together) for everyone and some different activities if Angelica Pickles doesn't want to be involved
11:30-12 Mommy makes lunch while the kids tidy toys and do their Helping Habits (fill water cups for lunch, wipe down table, get silverware and napkins for lunch)
12-12:30 Lunch while Mommy does a read aloud or plays patriotic music we are learning
12:30-1 Klan cleans up after lunch and does more Helping Habits (vacuum, wipe table, clean baby's tray) and than has some free play time
1-1:30 Finish notebook activities or independant work (copywork, Junior Bible Quiz, piano, etc) for Sid the Science Kid, Mommy does Horizon's math K and Bob books with Princess Pea and Angelica Pickles does an Activity bag or watches a Leap Frog video to learn her phonics
1:30 Nap time for Angelica Pickles, My Father's World history with Sid and Princess Pea
2-2:30 All About Spelling with Sid and Princess Pea and Jump Start Spanish if we have extra time
2:30 Nap for Princess Pea and Boo Boo, Grammer (First Language Lessons) and Horizon's math 2 for Sid
3-4 Independant work for Sid and reading assignments, Mommy's downtime for sewing, reading, planning or cleaning
4-5 Outside play time if it's nice
5-5:30 Dinner prep, Helping Habits, tidy toys
5:30-6 Dinner, Devotion with Daddy
6-6:30 Clean up dinner, Helping Habits, play time
6:30-7:30 Outside play time
7:30 Bedtime for girls
8pm Bedtime for Sid
8:30 Bedtime for Boo Boo
So, I think it will work well. It seems like we are doing school all day, but again, most lessons are around 15 minutes. Today I got all of science done for the whole week in less than 1 hour! I am just hoping to set a routine where the kids know what is coming next so I'm not constantly repeating our schedule to them. I might make a little chart with pictures that would help, but I have a feeling they will ask anyway.
I am definitly interested to hear about other homeschool schedules, so if you pass by here please post a link to your schedule so I can see it.