Sunday, August 22, 2010

I just received my first Blog Award!

Well, I logged onto my page this afternoon to find out Shanna at Learning At His Feet has given me my very first blog award - The Sunshine Award! Very sweet Shanna, thank you so much. I am happy to hear some of the stories of my life have been an inspiration to you. We just talked about the fruit of our lives at church this morning, and it's definitely something I want mass produced in my life to Glory our Father. I now have one very small twig growing! =)~

Well, here are the rules to the Sunshine Award:

1. Thank the one who gave it to you and link to their blog.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Choose seven others to bless with the award and let them know they've won an award.

So, seven random things about me....Hmmm....

1. I love to research. I'm known by my friends as the Research Queen. Often time I am talking to someone and will be researching what they are talking about at the same time. It's an addiction, ha!

2. I love to read. I usually have a parenting book, devotional book, novel and homeschool book I am working through at the same time. I've gotten away from that this past year, but have already started choosing my next book victims for this fall.

3. I used to hate pink and girly things growing up. Now I wear skirts, dresses, makeup and jewelry often!

4. I'm totally a Gleek for Glee!

5. There have only been 2 weeks that I haven't been pregnant or nursing in the 8 years Mr. Prince and I have been married. And I can count on two hands how many cycles I've had since our honeymoon!

6. If things in my life are out of order, I'm a wreck. I'm a total perfectionist!

7. I am living my dreams....the greatest husband and 5 beautiful children. The only other things I ever dreamed about were teaching (which I do while I homeschool) and doing missions work. I believe my mission right now is my children and other moms and families that I'm in contact with. Someday He may have me do different missions work, but I'm content where I'm at right now.

Now, to award seven other bloggers... I know some of you won't want to carry on the Sunshine Award tradition, but I want you to know I secretly watch you from the window of your blog and you have all touched my life in some way or another.

1. Janna from A Steadfast Life... Janna, homeschool mama of five little ones, has a fun sense of humor and tells life as it really is, messes, struggles and all. I love her realness.

2. Kelle at Enjoying the Small Things... Kelle write about her life raising two little girls and enjoying every moment of it. She is an amazing photographer and I love her humor and wit.

3. Greg at Wrestling with an Angel... Grey is a fabulous writer and shares his life of adopting children and raising a disabled son. His insights are magnificent and I find myself in tears often as I read his posts.

4. Ashley at Making It and Loving It... Ashley is "sew" very creative and her examples and illustrations are super clear for even the beginner sewer. And, someday I will be able to make one of her suggestions! Someday... =)

5. Jill at The Real Life of a Readhead... Jill just had baby #3 after a long pregnancy with bleeding and a diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Baby Joshua is recovering from surgery as I type. I love Jill's raw emotion and faith as she journeys God's plan for her life.

6. A.A.W. at Resolved2Worship... She is an amazing photographer and does a beautiful job sharing her faith and beautiful family.

7. Ellen at Love That Max... I love Ellen's perspective on being a mom of a child with special needs. As my own journey begins, her insights have been helpful and inspiring.

Thank you again, Shanna, for your award. And thank you blog world for your 24hr life support!


Shanna said...

So glad you enjoyed it. ;-)

Ellen Seidman said...

Hello! It's nice to connect with you. What a beautiful family you have! My Max has that same "Big Brother" shirt. am glad Myra is coming along, and that her spasms are gone. You seem like an awesome mom.